The Brisbane Catholic Bushwalking Club Inc is one of the principal bushwalking clubs in South-East Queensland. We conduct bushwalks throughout this area and, sometimes, further afield. Most walks occur on weekends, although some are held on weekdays. The Club was established in 1958 and incorporated in 1992. We offer a diverse walking programme, to cater for all abilities. It is supplemented by our active social programme.
Aims and Values
Our primary aims are to respectfully access wilderness areas and to promote the appreciation of nature. Our friendly bushwalking club welcomes and values connection. Lasting friendships are formed in the club. The sharing of walking experience reflects the spirit of generosity in our Club. We seek to nurture the spirituality of our members, primarily through encounters with the beauty and wonder of the natural world and through the simple joy of walking. Our three annual religious celebrations are in the Catholic tradition and we try to operate according to the Christian values of inclusiveness and kindness.
General Meetings are held quarterly on the third Monday of February, May, August and November. At some meetings, guest speakers offer presentations on a variety of relevant topics. The Annual General Meeting is held each February. Meetings commence at 7.30 pm and are held at Fr Denis Power Building (part of the former Sacred Heart School, Rosalie), 347 Given Terrace, Paddington.
The Club Magazine, Jilalan, is provided electronically to all members each month. Some members opt to purchase printed copies as well. The magazine contains details of upcoming walks, as well as the contact details of the walk leaders and the committee members. Jilalan is an aboriginal word for walk.

The Club Badge
The Club Badge represents Mt Barney, a campfire and Mary. The Latin motto, Duce Maria, means Mary, Our Leader. The Club’s patron saint is Our Lady of the Way.
Visitors are welcome to participate in three walks before joining. Children are permitted to participate in walks at the discretion of leaders and under the supervision and responsibility of parents or guardians. All visitors need to print out and complete the Visitor’s Form,and hand it to the Leader before leaving the meeting point.

Membership is open to bush walkers over the age of 18 who support the Club and its values. It is not necessary to be a member of the Catholic faith. Members pay an annual subscription fee in addition to the cost of each Club event they attend. Catholics apply for Ordinary Membership while others apply for Associate Membership. Associate members do not vote or stand for committee positions.
Membership Fees in 2024
• $35- Ordinary Members
• $30 - Associate Members
• Pro-rata rates apply to new members who join during the year.
• Fees cover the period 1st January to 31st December. Renewals are due and payable by the end of February each year.
• There is an additional $45 cost for all members, including Life Members who elect to receive a printed Jilalan.

One of the aims of the Club is to provide for the spiritual welfare of its members. The Club also comes under the umbrella of the Catholic Church. General Meetings include prayer. Two Club Masses are celebrated each year. The Annual Mass occurs in February in a church in Brisbane and is followed by a meal. The Mt Barney Mass occurs near the summit of that mountain on Exhibition Wednesday each year. There is usually a Club Retreat each year. It is not necessary to be a member of the Catholic faith to attend the Club’s religious events.
Training sessions are held from time to time to provide skills in areas such as map reading, compass reading, abseiling and safety.

Socials are held regularly and can include dinner outings, movie nights, Friday drinks, country pub visits, theatre nights, museum and art gallery visits and strolls, which are late afternoon short walks in the suburbs.